Transaction Responses

Securities Transaction

Also known as: single stock order / basket order / sst

Response structure (SST)

Sample responses (SST)



Identify if the order was placed as Market or AMO

Please note that variety = amo is used to identify if the order was after market order. Successful after market order will have status as PLACED.
In this case the order will be executed in the next trading session

If the variety = regular, order was placed as market order. Status response for a successful order in this case can be COMPLETE

smallcase order response (SMT)

Response enums (SMT)

  "notes": "String",
  "smallcaseAuthToken": "String",
  "broker": "String",
  "transactionId": "String",
  "orderBatches": [
      "label": {
        "type": "String",
        "enumValues": [
      "originalLabel": {
        "type": "String",
        "enumValues": [
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "variety": {
        "type": "String",
        "enumValues": [
      "buyAmount": "Number",
      "sellAmount": "Number",
      "completedDate": "Date",
      "quantity": "Number",
      "filled":" Number",
      "batchId": "String",
          "exchangeOrderId": "String",
          "orderType": {
            "type": "String",
            "enumValues": [
          "product": {
            "type": "String",
            "enumValues": [
          "exchange": {
            "type": "String",
            "enumValues": [
          "status": {
            "type": "String",
            "enumValues": [
              "CANCELLED AMO",
          "quantity": "Number",
          "tradingsymbol": "String",
          "transactionType": {
            "type": "String",
            "enumValues": [
          "filledQuantity": "Number",
          "averagePrice": "Number"
      "unplaced": []

Sample order response (SMT)

  "notes": "Buying a smallcase",
  "smallcaseAuthToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzbWFsbGNhc2VBdXRoSWQiOiI2MGZlYjZiNmJhM2YzMDkyZDA1NGM0NTkiLCJpYXQiOjE2MjczMDY2MjQsImV4cCI6MTYyNzMxMDIyNH0.E7eMYVMZAa1sl2JKAEzQl2yTPlVJkIQVSpp1ytlRadg",
  "broker": "kite",
  "transactionId": "TRX_3ed892feb6634e0a8860ed39acefea3d",
  "orderBatches": [
      "label": "BUY",
      "originalLabel": "BUY",
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "transactionId": "TRX_3ed892feb6634e0a8860ed39acefea3d",
      "variety": "regular",
      "buyAmount": 579.02,
      "sellAmount": 0,
      "completedDate": "2021-07-26T13:36:56.625Z",
      "quantity": 2,
      "filled": 2,
      "batchId": "60feba6fba3f3092d054c460",
      "orders": [
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "tradingsymbol": "ICICINIFTY",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 169
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "tradingsymbol": "JUNIORBEES",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 410.02
      "unplaced": []
  "name": "Smallcase name",
  "scid": "ABCD_0001",
  "source": "PROFESSIONAL",
  "iscid": "624596e1660b97a9897f4209",
  "imageUrl": ""
  "notes": "Investing more in an already bought (invested) smallcase",
  "smallcaseAuthToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzbWFsbGNhc2VBdXRoSWQiOiI2MGZlYjZiNmJhM2YzMDkyZDA1NGM0NTkiLCJpYXQiOjE2MjczMDcxMDcsImV4cCI6MTYyNzMxMDcwN30.VofIa5lpfa_4f40AokzEf43-vsrj-wzm8gH99pRqM8o",
  "broker": "kite",
  "transactionId": "TRX_ee8d039e44ae40d8a7712eec14468866",
  "orderBatches": [
      "label": "INVESTMORE",
      "originalLabel": "INVESTMORE",
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "transactionId": "TRX_ee8d039e44ae40d8a7712eec14468866",
      "variety": "regular",
      "buyAmount": 579.03,
      "sellAmount": 0,
      "completedDate": "2021-07-26T13:44:56.948Z",
      "quantity": 2,
      "filled": 2,
      "batchId": "60febc4eba3f3092d054c461",
      "orders": [
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "tradingsymbol": "ICICINIFTY",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 169.01
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "tradingsymbol": "JUNIORBEES",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 410.02
      "unplaced": []
  "name": "Smallcase name",
  "scid": "ABCD_0001",
  "source": "PROFESSIONAL",
  "iscid": "624596e1660b97a9897f4209",
  "imageUrl": ""
  "notes": "Manageing invested smallcase",
  "smallcaseAuthToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzbWFsbGNhc2VBdXRoSWQiOiI2MGZlYjZiNmJhM2YzMDkyZDA1NGM0NTkiLCJpYXQiOjE2MjczMDcyNzUsImV4cCI6MTYyNzMxMDg3NX0.0eiAGODAjJb2OH2h3URxT_uMeS-85LMtbEl8PE1qHHc",
  "broker": "kite",
  "transactionId": "TRX_e2d0c1367b1c4421918173677ab32f60",
  "orderBatches": [
      "label": "MANAGE",
      "originalLabel": "MANAGE",
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "transactionId": "TRX_e2d0c1367b1c4421918173677ab32f60",
      "variety": "regular",
      "buyAmount": 169.01,
      "sellAmount": 410.02,
      "completedDate": "2021-07-26T13:47:47.240Z",
      "quantity": 2,
      "filled": 2,
      "batchId": "60febcfbba3f3092d054c462",
      "orders": [
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "tradingsymbol": "ICICINIFTY",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 169.01
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "tradingsymbol": "JUNIORBEES",
          "transactionType": "SELL",
          "filledQuantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 410.02
      "unplaced": []
  "name": "Smallcase name",
  "scid": "ABCD_0001",
  "source": "PROFESSIONAL",
  "iscid": "624596e1660b97a9897f4209",
  "imageUrl": ""
  "notes": "Placing sip order",
  "smallcaseAuthToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzbWFsbGNhc2VBdXRoSWQiOiI2MGZlYmZmM2IzYjc4N2YzYzBjYzQzOTEiLCJpYXQiOjE2Mjc2MjQxMTMsImV4cCI6MTYyNzYyNzcxM30.yy9GFHYghtYzh7u5ly5i4bN_zAERpt-dho_axLpN0co",
  "broker": "fivepaisa",
  "transactionId": "TRX_e73e9a6d05fa481ca1591c5322ffb8ad",
  "orderBatches": [
      "label": "SIP",
      "originalLabel": "SIP",
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "transactionId": "TRX_e73e9a6d05fa481ca1591c5322ffb8ad",
      "variety": "regular",
      "buyAmount": 7311.01,
      "sellAmount": 0,
      "completedDate": "2021-07-30T05:48:20.490Z",
      "quantity": 8,
      "filled": 8,
      "batchId": "610392a1c60b5b3e3f732687",
      "orders": [
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 2,
          "tradingsymbol": "INFY",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 2,
          "averagePrice": 1611.96
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "tradingsymbol": "SBIN",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 433
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "tradingsymbol": "TATAMOTORS",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 298.01
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 24,
          "tradingsymbol": "YESBANK",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 24,
          "averagePrice": 12
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "tradingsymbol": "IDFCFIRSTB",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 52
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 2,
          "tradingsymbol": "AXISBANK",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 2,
          "averagePrice": 713.04
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 2,
          "tradingsymbol": "ITC",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 2,
          "averagePrice": 204.99
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 2,
          "tradingsymbol": "WIPRO",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 2,
          "averagePrice": 590.01
      "unplaced": []
  "notes": " Rebalancing smallcase",
  "smallcaseAuthToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzbWFsbGNhc2VBdXRoSWQiOiI2MTA3OTIwNjY5MWZkYTJmZTc5ZWU5ZDciLCJpYXQiOjE2Mjc4ODY3ODksImV4cCI6MTYyNzg5MDM4OX0.jQ4TRML1nQRQvVe5pLRaf5ahuUs0ZF-gZijdtiw2km0",
  "broker": "kite",
  "transactionId": "TRX_11799aa5e9354540bc47af3dbdb164e3",
  "orderBatches": [
      "label": "REBALANCE",
      "originalLabel": "REBALANCE",
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "transactionId": "TRX_11799aa5e9354540bc47af3dbdb164e3",
      "variety": "regular",
      "buyAmount": 5101,
      "sellAmount": 5200,
      "completedDate": "2021-08-02T06:46:21.420Z",
      "quantity": 3,
      "filled": 3,
      "batchId": "610794b8691fda2fe79ee9e0",
      "orders": [
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 315,
          "tradingsymbol": "IDEA",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 315,
          "averagePrice": 8
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 89,
          "tradingsymbol": "MOM100",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 89,
          "averagePrice": 29
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 100,
          "tradingsymbol": "IDFCFIRSTB",
          "transactionType": "SELL",
          "filledQuantity": 100,
          "averagePrice": 52
      "unplaced": []
 * Note: txn id is to be created with orderConfig.type=EXIT
 * User will have option to either partially exit or fully exit the smallcase in the orderflow
 * Below is sample response when user opts to partially sell the smallcase
  "notes": " Partially Exiting invested smallcase",
  "smallcaseAuthToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzbWFsbGNhc2VBdXRoSWQiOiI2MGZlYmZmM2IzYjc4N2YzYzBjYzQzOTEiLCJpYXQiOjE2Mjc1Mzk2NDgsImV4cCI6MTYyNzU0MzI0OH0.XJSPsG7kpkpOtMH0oHMjwEF1JSOWQSTCqMQZyDJkjG8",
  "broker": "upstox",
  "transactionId": "TRX_68311f303d474a528aecf044bb3796f2",
  "orderBatches": [
      "label": "PARTIALEXIT",
      "originalLabel": "PARTIALEXIT",
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "transactionId": "TRX_68311f303d474a528aecf044bb3796f2",
      "variety": "regular",
      "buyAmount": 0,
      "sellAmount": 215.99,
      "completedDate": "2021-07-29T06:20:40.702Z",
      "quantity": 2,
      "filled": 2,
      "batchId": "610248b561c4f0bc65733d8b",
      "orders": [
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "tradingsymbol": "ICICILOVOL",
          "transactionType": "SELL",
          "filledQuantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 130
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "tradingsymbol": "ICICINV20",
          "transactionType": "SELL",
          "filledQuantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 85.99
      "unplaced": []
  "name": "Smallcase name",
  "scid": "ABCD_0001",
  "source": "PROFESSIONAL",
  "iscid": "624596e1660b97a9897f4209",
  "imageUrl": ""
 * Note: txn id is to be created with orderConfig.type=EXIT
 * User will have option to either partially exit or fully exit the smallcase in the orderflow
 * Below is sample response when user opts to fully sell the smallcase
  "notes": "Exiting invested smallcase",
  "smallcaseAuthToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzbWFsbGNhc2VBdXRoSWQiOiI2MGZlYmZmM2IzYjc4N2YzYzBjYzQzOTEiLCJpYXQiOjE2Mjc1Mzk4ODQsImV4cCI6MTYyNzU0MzQ4NH0.gRLNTkoqSwAWcZT10cvn5UO_RtpCQCDkVS2kEBpN5bk",
  "broker": "upstox",
  "transactionId": "TRX_7df53a3bfeaf4d828e0ab429a894ac4c",
  "orderBatches": [
      "label": "SELLALL",
      "originalLabel": "SELLALL",
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "transactionId": "TRX_7df53a3bfeaf4d828e0ab429a894ac4c",
      "variety": "regular",
      "buyAmount": 0,
      "sellAmount": 216.01,
      "completedDate": "2021-07-29T06:24:37.155Z",
      "quantity": 2,
      "filled": 2,
      "batchId": "610249a26f5accf2e38d0b2e",
      "orders": [
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "tradingsymbol": "ICICILOVOL",
          "transactionType": "SELL",
          "filledQuantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 130
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "tradingsymbol": "ICICINV20",
          "transactionType": "SELL",
          "filledQuantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 86.01
      "unplaced": []
  "name": "Smallcase name",
  "scid": "ABCD_0001",
  "source": "PROFESSIONAL",
  "iscid": "624596e1660b97a9897f4209",
  "imageUrl": ""
 * There can be cases when user is trying to do a smallcase TXN of type A,
 * but due to some pending action, they had to complete pending acion before doing the originally intended transaction (type A).
 * Moreover, it can be the case that the order was not fully completed, and user does some additional action during the same txn.
 * Here's the sample response for BUY + REPAIR scenario -
 * While BUYing the smallcase, the order was partially filled. So user subsequently REPAIRed the smallcase during the same transaction.
  "notes": "Buying a smallcase",
  "smallcaseAuthToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzbWFsbGNhc2VBdXRoSWQiOiI2MGZlYmZmM2IzYjc4N2YzYzBjYzQzOTEiLCJpYXQiOjE2Mjc1Mzk2NDgsImV4cCI6MTYyNzU0MzI0OH0.XJSPsG7kpkpOtMH0oHMjwEF1JSOWQSTCqMQZyDJkjG8",
  "broker": "upstox",
  "transactionId": "TRX_0dd60dfe6a8c448297cb57c94c2e95ec",
  "orderBatches": [
      "label": "BUY",
      "originalLabel": "BUY",
      "status": "FIXED",
      "transactionId": "TRX_0dd60dfe6a8c448297cb57c94c2e95ec",
      "variety": "regular",
      "buyAmount": 41829.55,
      "completedDate": "2021-07-07T05: 55: 16.572Z",
      "quantity": 6.0,
      "filled": 4.0,
      "batchId": "60e541c199a5de24ebaf1e5b",
      "orders": [
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 3.0,
          "tradingsymbol": "WSTCSTPAPR",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 3.0,
          "averagePrice": 278.0
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "PARTIAL",
          "quantity": 12.0,
          "tradingsymbol": "HSCL",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 11.0,
          "averagePrice": 55.0
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1.0,
          "tradingsymbol": "GULFOILLUB",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 1.0,
          "averagePrice": 688.97
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "PARTIAL",
          "quantity": 14.0,
          "tradingsymbol": "HCLTECH",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 13.0,
          "averagePrice": 970.0376923076924
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 25.0,
          "tradingsymbol": "WIPRO",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 25.0,
          "averagePrice": 533.9979999999999
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 13.0,
          "tradingsymbol": "TECHM",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 13.0,
          "averagePrice": 1057.0107692307693
      "unplaced": []
      "label": "FIX",
      "originalLabel": "BUY",
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "transactionId": "TRX_01c3a30bb1704892922571c063d69b6c",
      "variety": "regular",
      "buyAmount": 1026.04,
      "completedDate": "2021-07-07T05: 55: 47.190Z",
      "quantity": 2.0,
      "filled": 2.0,
      "batchId": "60e541e099a5de24ebaf1e7d",
      "orders": [
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1.0,
          "tradingsymbol": "HSCL",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 1.0,
          "averagePrice": 55.0
          "orderType": "MARKET",
          "product": "CNC",
          "exchange": "NSE",
          "status": "COMPLETE",
          "quantity": 1.0,
          "tradingsymbol": "HCLTECH",
          "transactionType": "BUY",
          "filledQuantity": 1.0,
          "averagePrice": 971.04
      "unplaced": []

Broker Holdings response


Holdings are not shared in frontend response directly.

Holdings data has to be obtained through our Fetch Holdings API, or via Webhook setup.

  "success": true,
  "errors": null,
  "data": {
    "smallcases": {
      "public": [
          "scid": "SCAW_0001",
          "name": "All Weather Investing",
          "investmentDetailsURL": "",
          "shortDescription": "Diversify with equity, gold & fixed income ETFs for recession-proof investing",
          "imageUrl": "",
          "stats": {
            "currentValue": 4921.89,
            "totalReturns": -36.65253999999927
          "constituents": [
              "ticker": "NIFTYBEES",
              "shares": 10
              "ticker": "JUNIORBEES",
              "shares": 3
              "ticker": "LIQUIDBEES",
              "shares": 1
              "ticker": "GOLDBEES",
              "shares": 39
      "private": {
        "stats": {
          "currentValue": 57.31,
          "totalReturns": 1.3100000000000023
    "securities": [
        "holdings": {
          "quantity": 4,
          "averagePrice": 36.68
        "positions": {
          "nse": {
            "quantity": 1,
            "averagePrice": 34.1
          "bse": {
            "quantity": 1,
            "averagePrice": 34.1
        "transactableQuantity": 5,
        "smallcaseQuantity": 2,
        "nseTicker": "J&KBANK",
        "bseTicker": "J&KBANK",
        "isin": "INE168A01041",
        "name": "Jammu and Kashmir Bank Ltd"
        "holdings": {
          "quantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 28.4
        "positions": {
          "nse": {
            "quantity": 0,
            "averagePrice": 0
          "bse": {
            "quantity": 0,
            "averagePrice": 0
        "transactableQuantity": 1,
        "smallcaseQuantity": 0,
        "nseTicker": "MASPTOP50",
        "bseTicker": "MASPTOP50",
        "isin": "INF769K01HP3",
        "name": "Mirae Asset S&P 500 Top 50 ETF"
        "holdings": {
          "quantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 10.53
        "positions": {
          "nse": {
            "quantity": 0,
            "averagePrice": 0
          "bse": {
            "quantity": 0,
            "averagePrice": 0
        "transactableQuantity": 1,
        "smallcaseQuantity": 0,
        "nseTicker": "AXISBPSETF",
        "bseTicker": null,
        "isin": "INF846K01Z04",
        "name": "Axis AAA Bond Plus SDL ETF-2026 Matur. Reg. Growth"
        "holdings": {
          "quantity": 1,
          "averagePrice": 9.8
        "positions": {
          "nse": {
            "quantity": 0,
            "averagePrice": 0
          "bse": {
            "quantity": 0,
            "averagePrice": 0
        "transactableQuantity": 1,
        "smallcaseQuantity": 0,
        "nseTicker": "SUZLON",
        "bseTicker": "SUZLON",
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