Get user id of the user using which it is connecting to broker

Can we get the user id of the user which is used to connect to the broker ?

Get user id of the user using which it is connecting to broker

Can we get the user id of the user which is used to connect to the broker ?

Request to register webhook in your system

Hi, we want to register our webhook in your system to receive MF Holdings Import data via POST response. Please let us know how to proceed further.

SmallCase Integration

How to integrate small case in my platform, I'm using your RestAPI service, please give me any ideas or you can share any refferals vedios

I am getting error on Guest Initialization by using jwt token is "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJndWVzdCI6dHJ1ZSwiZXhwIjoxNzE3NTYyNzE0LCJpYXQiOjE3MTc0NzYzMTR9.9xWNT6sl7MeIKkV9KNdxNjhDpv9H0Llr6hD09kdkfzo"

SmallcaseGateway.init(sdkToken) .then((initResp) => { // successfully initialized gateway session console.log('Gateway initialized:', initResp); }) .catch((err) => { // error initializing gateway session console.log('Error initializing gateway:', err); }); By using React Native SDK also i have create jwt token by using python code

For MF Holdings Import (using SDK UI), how can we know the screen on which user dropped?

Feature: MF Holdings Import via SDK (<>)

How to get the scid?

After the broker login im getting the response but couldnt understood how to get the scid for smallcase api

Transaction Details

Will you API, allow us to get the details of all the transaction done by the user in his broker account along with all the charges and entry and exit price details?

while initialising Gateway using ScgatewayFlutterPlugin unable to getting the smallcaseAuthid

Hi Team, I am unable to get the smallcaseAuthid after the user login is completed. jwtToken and transactionId i am getting through the server. I am getting the response like the below data; in this, there is no smallcaseAuthid {"data":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzbWFsbGNhc2VBdXRoSWQiOiI2NDgxNzZlZTNjMGEyNmUyMjc5ZGNhNmQiLCJpYXQiOjE3MTE0NDIyNzAsImV4cCI6MTcxMTQ0NTg3MH0.1WBIV9SO28OqL8WzySCOMITDWVlGCzP5VxRQPUPdo7s","broker":"kite","success":true,"transaction":"HOLDINGS_IMPORT"} await ScgatewayFlutterPlugin.setConfigEnvironment( GatewayEnvironment.PRODUCTION, "my_gateway", true, \[]); // Initialize Gateway with authToken try { await ScgatewayFlutterPlugin.initGateway("$jwtToken"); await ScgatewayFlutterPlugin.triggerGatewayTransaction(transactionId).then((value) { print("ScgatewayFlutterPlugin value:: $value"); }).catchError((error) { print('Error fetching ScgatewayFlutterPlugin data: $error'); }); } catch (e) { print('Error initializing gateway: $e'); }

How to get leprechaun (test mode) token ?

I am looking to understand the flow and wanted leprechaun (test mode) token for Upstox? How can I get it?