Embed cards
What is embedding?
Embedding refers to the integration of links, images, videos, gifs, and other content into social media posts or other web media. Embedded content appears as part of a post and supplies a visual element that encourages increased click-through and engagement.
Why embedding smallcase and/or stock cards increase user engagement?
Embedding cards on your webpage is effective for the following reasons -
- Stands out with modern UI
- with much of the text and other things on the webpage, embedded cards will stand out to users
- Trade and invest without leaving the page
- user can easily link broker and transact in smallcase and stocks without even leaving your page
- Offers something of value
- the title, description, and CTAs inside the embedded card convey the purpose and immediately offers something of value to users.
Why should you integrate smallcase and/or stock cards?
Embedding cards is quite straightforward. With minimal development efforts, you can empower your users to view and transact in stocks and smallcases.
Moreover, oEmbed will take care of displaying modern UI that will look as if it's part of your webpage.
Different types of embeddable content
smallcase oEmbed (SMT)
Check how to integrate - SMT oEmbed

Sample screenshot of smallcase card (big)
Stock oEmbed (SST)
Check how to integrate - SST oEmbed

Sample screenshot of stock card (big)
Having issues embedding the cards?
Check out our FAQs - oEmbed FAQs
If that doesn't help, feel free to mail us at [email protected]
Updated almost 3 years ago