Run Analytics on holdings
smallcase Gateway now provides an API, through which one can add on analytics over the mutual funds summary data on scheme level, as well as meta information on the transactions
To add on the analytics on the response received from the Mutual Fund Holdings Import, one can pass the summary and transactions in the request body received from the webhook response as shown in the below snippets as an input to the Analytics API
Request body structure
"gateway": "gatewaydemo",
"requestId": "something13",
"data": {
"format": "SMALLCASE",
"payload": {
"summary": { // <--- this would be the summary object received in webhooks response
"transactions": [ // <--- this would be the transactions array received in webhooks response
What's new?
Here are all the fields that are shared as a part of smallcase Gateway’s Mutual Fund Holdings Import analytics API and what they mean:
- XIRR i.e Extended Internal Rate of Return calculates returns on investments from all the transactions made by the user.
- Invested value is the sum invested by an investor in a scheme.
- Current returns is the return generated by the investment made by a user in a given scheme.
- FundType is a broad categorisation of the scheme into Equity, Gold, ELSS, or Debt depending on the underlying asset.
- averagePrice refers to the average purchase price of each unit for the investor in a scheme.
- Scheme weight is the ratio of the scheme w.r.t. the current value of the portfolio.
- nav is the last closed net asset value.
- Realised returns are returns on the investment booked by the user from sell and dividends.
- Total returns is sum of current and realised returns.
- Sector allocation represents the broad sectors in which sum is invested.
- Current returns, total returns, realised returns, sector allocation and XIRR will be shared both at the scheme level and portfolio level.
- The rest of the analytics data points will be shared at the scheme level only.
- Analytics will only be available for those folios, which don't have number of units and currentValue as zero. The folios with
currentValue: 0
andunits: 0
, will be shown under thedata.summary.exited
array - The analytics api can be used to update the analytics field periodically, without refreshing the mutual fund holdings of the user i.e.
derived for a previous import can be used. - Exited folios/ funds are not included in the analytics.
- Folio/ fund level XIRR is calculated when the first investment is at least 1 year old.
- Portfolio XIRR is calculated when at least one fund in the portfolio is older than 1 year old.
Response object
field | type | description |
data.summary.schemeDetails | SchemeDetails | Array of scheme details |
data.summary.schemeDetails.portfolio | Portfolio | Portfolio Summary |
data.summary.exited | Exited | Includes those folios, which have currentValue and units as zero [No analytics are added for it] |
data.transactions | Transactions | Array of all the transactions |
field | type | description |
isin | string | A 12-digit alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a specific security |
folios | array | Array of folios |
scheme | string | Scheme name |
schemeCode | string | Scheme code |
amc | string | Amc name |
amcCode | string | Amc code |
assetType | string | Asset type |
currentValue | number | Current value of the scheme |
exitLoad | string | Exit load remarks |
entryLoad | string | Entry load remarks |
units | number | Number of units for the scheme |
nav | number | Net asset value of the scheme |
analytics | Analytics | Analytics object |
fundType | string | Type of fund |
exitLoadRemarks | string | Exit load remarks |
field | type | description |
folioNumber | string | Folio number of the scheme |
brokerName | string | Name of the broker |
brokerCode | string | Broker code |
units | number | Number of units associated with the folio |
isDemat | boolean | |
investedValue | number | Invested amount in the scheme |
currentValue | number | Current Value |
currentReturns | number | Current returns |
totalReturns | number | Total returns |
realisedReturns | number | Realised returns |
averagePrice | number | AveragePrice of the scheme |
currentReturnsPercentage | number | Current returns percentage |
xirr | number | Folio level xirr |
rtaCode | string | |
kycStatus | string | KYC verified status 3 - Verified |
string | ||
decimalUnits | number | Decimal Units- Up to 3 decimal Points |
decimalAmount | number | Decimal Units for Amount – Upto 2 decimal Points |
decimalNav | number | Decimal Units for NAV – upto 4 decimal Points |
lastTrxnDate | string | Last Transaction Date |
openingBal | number | Opening Balance of the holdings |
closingBal | string | closing Balance of the holdings |
lastNavDate | string | Last NAV Date – which is available for the scheme |
field | type | description |
timestamp | string | Timestamp of the response |
xirr | number | Scheme level xirr |
investedValue | number | Invested amount in the scheme |
currentReturns | number | Current returns |
averagePrice | number | AveragePrice of the scheme |
currentReturnsPercentage | number | Current returns percentage |
schemeWeight | number | Scheme weight is the ratio of the scheme w.r.t. the current value of the portfolio. |
realisedReturns | number | Realised returns |
totalReturns | number | Total returns |
sectorAllocationPercentage | array | Sector allocation percentage |
field | type | description |
sectorName | string | Sector name |
value | number | Sector value |
field | type | description |
xirr | number | Portfolio level xirr |
schemeCount | number | Total scheme count |
currentReturns | number | Current returns |
realisedReturns | number | Realised returns |
totalReturns | number | Total returns |
sectorAllocationPercentage | array | Sector allocation percentage |
field | type | description |
sectorName | string | Sector name |
value | number | Sector value |
field | type | description |
isin | string | a 12-digit alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a specific security |
folioNumber | string | Folio number |
amc | string | Amc name |
amcCode | string | Amc code |
schemeCode | string | Scheme code |
scheme | string | Scheme name |
transactionDate | string | Transaction date |
postedDate | string | Posted Date |
trxnDescription | string | Unstructured description of transaction |
trxnUnits | number | |
purchasePrice | number | NAV – at which the Transaction was executed |
stampDuty | number | Stamp Duty applied charges |
totalTax | number | Total tax deducted |
transactionMode | string | Transaction Mode Possible Values - "N - Normal ", M - missed , R - Reversal |
cashFlow | string | |
checkDigit | number | |
string | ||
trxnCharge | number | |
sttTax | number | |
tax | number | |
analytics | Analytics | Analytics object |
field | type | description |
transactionType | string | Type of transaction -DEPOSIT , WITHDRAW , REJECTED DEPOSIT , NA |
transactionStatus | string | Status of the transaction -SUCCESS , ADJUSTMENT , VOID |
transactionDescription | string | Transaction description -PURCHASE , REDEMPTION , SIP , SWP , DIVIDEND , SWITCH IN , SWITCH OUT |
exited | boolean | Denotes whether the transaction belongs to an exited folio or not If exited=true, analytics will not be present |
field | type | description |
isin | string | A 12-digit alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a specific security |
folioNumber | string | Folio number of the scheme |
scheme | string | Scheme name |
schemeCode | string | Scheme code |
amc | string | Amc Name |
amcCode | string | Amc Code |
assetType | string | Asset type |
entryLoad | string | Entry load remarks |
exitLoad | string | Exit load remarks |
isDemat | boolean | |
currentValue | number | Current Value |
units | number | Number of units associated with the folio |
nav | number | Net asset value of the scheme |
decimalAmount | number | Decimal Units for Amount – Upto 2 decimal Points |
decimalUnits | number | Decimal Units- Up to 3 decimal Points |
decimalNav | number | Decimal Units for NAV – upto 4 decimal Points |
string | ||
kycStatus | string | KYC verified status 3 - Verified |
lastTrxnDate | string | Last Transaction Date |
lastNavDate | string | Last NAV Date – which is available for the scheme |
openingBal | number | Opening Balance of the holdings |
closingBalance | number | closing Balance of the holdings |
rtaCode | string |
Sample Response
"success": true,
"errors": false,
"data": {
"summary": {
"schemeDetails": [
"isin": "INF200K01RJ1",
"folios": [
"folioNumber": "xxxxxxxx",
"brokerName": "INZ000208032",
"brokerCode": "INZ000208032",
"isDemat": "N",
"units": 184.47399999999996,
"investedValue": 40498.228052800005,
"currentValue": 47255.321025,
"currentReturns": 6757.092972199993,
"totalReturns": 6757.092972199993,
"realisedReturns": 0,
"averagePrice": 219.53352804622875,
"currentReturnsPercentage": 16.684910172836105,
"remarks": "live data unavailable",
"xirr": 11.415854042543383,
"rtaCode": "KFINTECH",
"kycStatus": "3",
"email": "[email protected]",
"decimalUnits": 3,
"decimalAmount": 2,
"decimalNav": 3,
"lastTrxnDate": "12-DEC-2022",
"openingBal": 0,
"closingBal": 47255.321025,
"lastNavDate": "12-DEC-2022"
"scheme": "SBI Focused Equity Fund Direct Growth (formerly SBI Emerging Businesses Fund)",
"schemeCode": "D81G",
"amc": "SBI Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "L",
"assetType": "EQUITY",
"entryLoad": null,
"exitLoad": null,
"units": 184.47399999999996,
"nav": 256.1625,
"currentValue": 47255.321025,
"fundType": "NA",
"exitLoadRemarks": "NA",
"analytics": {
"investedValue": 40498.228052800005,
"averagePrice": 219.5335280462288,
"timestamp": "2023-02-09T13:48:29.898Z",
"realisedReturns": 0,
"currentReturns": 6757.092972199993,
"totalReturns": 6757.092972199993,
"currentReturnsPercentage": 16.684910172836105,
"sectorAllocationPercentage": [],
"remarks": "live data unavailable",
"schemeWeight": 62.37944023707425,
"xirr": 11.415854042543383
"isin": "INF846K01DP8",
"folios": [
"folioNumber": "abc12345",
"brokerName": "DIRECT",
"brokerCode": "INZ000208032",
"isDemat": "N",
"units": 575.2789664917238,
"investedValue": 25998.528979999995,
"currentValue": 28499.32,
"currentReturns": 2500.791020000004,
"totalReturns": 2500.791020000004,
"realisedReturns": 0,
"averagePrice": 45.19290462540783,
"currentReturnsPercentage": 9.618971219193973,
"remarks": "live data unavailable",
"xirr": 6.781839969769991,
"rtaCode": "KFINTECH",
"kycStatus": "3",
"email": "[email protected]",
"decimalUnits": 3,
"decimalAmount": 2,
"decimalNav": 3,
"lastTrxnDate": "12-DEC-2022",
"openingBal": 0,
"closingBal": 28499.32,
"lastNavDate": "12-DEC-2022"
"scheme": "Axis Bluechip Fund - Direct Growth",
"schemeCode": "EFDGG",
"amc": "AXIS Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "128",
"assetType": "EQUITY",
"entryLoad": null,
"exitLoad": null,
"units": 575.2789664917238,
"nav": 49.54,
"currentValue": 28499.32,
"fundType": "NA",
"exitLoadRemarks": "NA",
"analytics": {
"investedValue": 25998.528979999995,
"averagePrice": 45.192907257759124,
"timestamp": "2023-02-09T13:48:29.898Z",
"realisedReturns": 0,
"currentReturns": 2500.791020000004,
"totalReturns": 2500.791020000004,
"currentReturnsPercentage": 9.618971219193973,
"sectorAllocationPercentage": [],
"remarks": "live data unavailable",
"schemeWeight": 37.620559762925765,
"xirr": 6.781839969769991
"portfolio": {
"xirr": 9.637912996688403,
"schemeCount": 2,
"realisedReturns": 0,
"totalReturns": 9257.883992199997,
"currentReturns": 9257.883992199997,
"sectorAllocationPercentage": []
"exited": [
"isin": "INF200K01VB0",
"folioNumber": "xxxxxxxx",
"scheme": "SBI Magnum Medium Duration Fund Direct Growth (formerly SBI Regular Savings Fund)",
"schemeCode": "D069G",
"amc": "SBI Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "L",
"assetType": "DEBT",
"brokerName": "INZ000208032",
"brokerCode": "INZ000208032",
"entryLoad": null,
"exitLoad": null,
"isDemat": "N",
"currentValue": 0,
"units": 0,
"nav": 44.5598,
"navUpdatedDate": "2022-11-09T18:30:00.000Z",
"avgBuyNav": null,
"returns": null,
"returnsPercent": null,
"xirr": null,
"sipFrequency": null,
"nextSipDate": null,
"rtaCode": "KFINTECH",
"kycStatus": "3",
"email": "[email protected]",
"decimalUnits": 3,
"decimalAmount": 2,
"decimalNav": 3,
"lastTrxnDate": "12-DEC-2022",
"openingBal": 0,
"closingBal": 0,
"lastNavDate": "12-DEC-2022"
"transactions": [
"isin": "INF846K01DP8",
"folioNumber": "abc12345",
"amc": "AXIS Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "128",
"schemeCode": "EFDGG",
"scheme": "Axis Bluechip Fund - Direct Growth",
"transactionDate": "2020-08-11T18:30:00.000Z",
"postedDate": "2020-08-11T18:30:00.000Z",
"trxnDescription": "Systematic Investment (1)",
"trxnAmount": 999.95,
"trxnUnits": 29.743,
"purchasePrice": 33.62,
"stampDuty": 0.05,
"totalTax": 0,
"transactionMode": "N",
"cashFlow": null,
"analytics": {
"exited": false,
"transactionType": "DEPOSIT",
"transactionStatus": "SUCCESS",
"transactionDescription": "SIP"
"checkDigit": 0,
"email": "[email protected]",
"trxnCharge": 0,
"sttTax": 0,
"tax": 0
"isin": "INF200K01RJ1",
"folioNumber": "xxxxxxxx",
"amc": "SBI Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "L",
"schemeCode": "D81G",
"scheme": "SBI Focused Equity Fund Direct Growth (formerly SBI Emerging Businesses Fund)",
"transactionDate": "2020-08-13T18:30:00.000Z",
"postedDate": "2020-08-13T18:30:00.000Z",
"trxnDescription": "Purchase - Systematic-BSE -",
"trxnAmount": 1499.93,
"trxnUnits": 9.663,
"purchasePrice": 155.2242,
"stampDuty": 0.07,
"totalTax": 0,
"transactionMode": "N",
"cashFlow": null,
"analytics": {
"exited": false,
"transactionType": "DEPOSIT",
"transactionStatus": "SUCCESS",
"transactionDescription": "SIP"
"checkDigit": 0,
"email": "[email protected]",
"trxnCharge": 0,
"sttTax": 0,
"tax": 0
"isin": "INF200K01RJ1",
"folioNumber": "xxxxxxxx",
"amc": "SBI Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "L",
"schemeCode": "D81G",
"scheme": "SBI Focused Equity Fund Direct Growth (formerly SBI Emerging Businesses Fund)",
"transactionDate": "2020-08-14T18:30:00.000Z",
"postedDate": "2020-08-14T18:30:00.000Z",
"trxnDescription": "Change / Regn of Nominee",
"trxnAmount": 0,
"trxnUnits": 0,
"purchasePrice": 0,
"stampDuty": 0,
"totalTax": 0,
"transactionMode": "N",
"cashFlow": null,
"analytics": {
"exited": false,
"transactionType": "NA"
"checkDigit": 0,
"email": "[email protected]",
"trxnCharge": 0,
"sttTax": 0,
"tax": 0
"isin": "INF200K01RJ1",
"folioNumber": "xxxxxxxx",
"amc": "SBI Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "L",
"schemeCode": "D81G",
"scheme": "SBI Focused Equity Fund Direct Growth (formerly SBI Emerging Businesses Fund)",
"transactionDate": "2020-08-16T18:30:00.000Z",
"postedDate": "2020-08-16T18:30:00.000Z",
"trxnDescription": "Address Updated from KRA Data",
"trxnAmount": 0,
"trxnUnits": 0,
"purchasePrice": 0,
"stampDuty": 0,
"totalTax": 0,
"transactionMode": "N",
"cashFlow": null,
"analytics": {
"exited": false,
"transactionType": "NA"
"checkDigit": 0,
"email": "[email protected]",
"trxnCharge": 0,
"sttTax": 0,
"tax": 0
"isin": "INF200K01RJ1",
"folioNumber": "xxxxxxxx",
"amc": "SBI Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "L",
"schemeCode": "D81G",
"scheme": "SBI Focused Equity Fund Direct Growth (formerly SBI Emerging Businesses Fund)",
"transactionDate": "2020-08-16T18:30:00.000Z",
"postedDate": "2020-08-16T18:30:00.000Z",
"trxnDescription": "Address Updated from KRA Data",
"trxnAmount": 0,
"trxnUnits": 0,
"purchasePrice": 0,
"stampDuty": 0,
"totalTax": 0,
"transactionMode": "N",
"cashFlow": null,
"analytics": {
"exited": false,
"transactionType": "NA"
"checkDigit": 0,
"email": "[email protected]",
"trxnCharge": 0,
"sttTax": 0,
"tax": 0
"isin": "INF200K01RJ1",
"folioNumber": "xxxxxxxx",
"amc": "SBI Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "L",
"schemeCode": "D81G",
"scheme": "SBI Focused Equity Fund Direct Growth (formerly SBI Emerging Businesses Fund)",
"transactionDate": "2020-08-30T18:30:00.000Z",
"postedDate": "2020-08-30T18:30:00.000Z",
"trxnDescription": "Address Updated from KRA Data",
"trxnAmount": 0,
"trxnUnits": 0,
"purchasePrice": 0,
"stampDuty": 0,
"totalTax": 0,
"transactionMode": "N",
"cashFlow": null,
"analytics": {
"exited": false,
"transactionType": "NA"
"checkDigit": 0,
"email": "[email protected]",
"trxnCharge": 0,
"sttTax": 0,
"tax": 0
"isin": "INF200K01RJ1",
"folioNumber": "xxxxxxxx",
"amc": "SBI Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "L",
"schemeCode": "D81G",
"scheme": "SBI Focused Equity Fund Direct Growth (formerly SBI Emerging Businesses Fund)",
"transactionDate": "2020-08-30T18:30:00.000Z",
"postedDate": "2020-08-30T18:30:00.000Z",
"trxnDescription": "Address Updated from KRA Data",
"trxnAmount": 0,
"trxnUnits": 0,
"purchasePrice": 0,
"stampDuty": 0,
"totalTax": 0,
"transactionMode": "N",
"cashFlow": null,
"analytics": {
"exited": false,
"transactionType": "NA"
"checkDigit": 0,
"email": "[email protected]",
"trxnCharge": 0,
"sttTax": 0,
"tax": 0
"isin": "INF200K01RJ1",
"folioNumber": "xxxxxxxx",
"amc": "SBI Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "L",
"schemeCode": "D81G",
"scheme": "SBI Focused Equity Fund Direct Growth (formerly SBI Emerging Businesses Fund)",
"transactionDate": "2020-09-14T18:30:00.000Z",
"postedDate": "2020-09-14T18:30:00.000Z",
"trxnDescription": "Purchase - Systematic-BSE --Exchange",
"trxnAmount": 1499.93,
"trxnUnits": 9.406,
"purchasePrice": 159.4651,
"stampDuty": 0.07,
"totalTax": 0,
"transactionMode": "N",
"cashFlow": null,
"analytics": {
"exited": false,
"transactionType": "DEPOSIT",
"transactionStatus": "SUCCESS",
"transactionDescription": "SIP"
"checkDigit": 0,
"email": "[email protected]",
"trxnCharge": 0,
"sttTax": 0,
"tax": 0
"isin": "INF846K01DP8",
"folioNumber": "abc12345",
"amc": "AXIS Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "128",
"schemeCode": "EFDGG",
"scheme": "Axis Bluechip Fund - Direct Growth",
"transactionDate": "2020-10-04T18:30:00.000Z",
"postedDate": "2020-10-04T18:30:00.000Z",
"trxnDescription": "Systematic Investment (1)",
"trxnAmount": 999.95,
"trxnUnits": 29.119,
"purchasePrice": 34.34,
"stampDuty": 0.05,
"totalTax": 0,
"transactionMode": "N",
"cashFlow": null,
"analytics": {
"exited": false,
"transactionType": "DEPOSIT",
"transactionStatus": "SUCCESS",
"transactionDescription": "SIP"
"checkDigit": 0,
"email": "[email protected]",
"trxnCharge": 0,
"sttTax": 0,
"tax": 0
"isin": "INF200K01RJ1",
"folioNumber": "xxxxxxxx",
"amc": "SBI Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "L",
"schemeCode": "D81G",
"scheme": "SBI Focused Equity Fund Direct Growth (formerly SBI Emerging Businesses Fund)",
"transactionDate": "2020-10-14T18:30:00.000Z",
"postedDate": "2020-10-14T18:30:00.000Z",
"trxnDescription": "Purchase - Systematic-BSE --Exchange",
"trxnAmount": 1499.93,
"trxnUnits": 9.73,
"purchasePrice": 154.1608,
"stampDuty": 0.07,
"totalTax": 0,
"transactionMode": "N",
"cashFlow": null,
"analytics": {
"exited": false,
"transactionType": "DEPOSIT",
"transactionStatus": "SUCCESS",
"transactionDescription": "SIP"
"checkDigit": 0,
"email": "[email protected]",
"trxnCharge": 0,
"sttTax": 0,
"tax": 0
"isin": "INF846K01DP8",
"folioNumber": "abc12345",
"amc": "AXIS Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "128",
"schemeCode": "EFDGG",
"scheme": "Axis Bluechip Fund - Direct Growth",
"transactionDate": "2020-11-04T18:30:00.000Z",
"postedDate": "2020-11-04T18:30:00.000Z",
"trxnDescription": "Systematic Investment (1)",
"trxnAmount": 999.95,
"trxnUnits": 27.418,
"purchasePrice": 36.47,
"stampDuty": 0.05,
"totalTax": 0,
"transactionMode": "N",
"cashFlow": null,
"analytics": {
"exited": false,
"transactionType": "DEPOSIT",
"transactionStatus": "SUCCESS",
"transactionDescription": "SIP"
"checkDigit": 0,
"email": "[email protected]",
"trxnCharge": 0,
"sttTax": 0,
"tax": 0
"isin": "INF200K01VB0",
"folioNumber": "xxxxxxxx",
"amc": "SBI Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "L",
"schemeCode": "D069G",
"scheme": "SBI Magnum Medium Duration Fund Direct Growth (formerly SBI Regular Savings Fund)",
"transactionDate": "2020-11-16T18:30:00.000Z",
"postedDate": "2020-11-16T18:30:00.000Z",
"trxnDescription": "PURCHASE-BSE -",
"trxnAmount": 19999,
"trxnUnits": 486.054,
"purchasePrice": 41.1456,
"stampDuty": 1,
"totalTax": 0,
"transactionMode": "N",
"cashFlow": null,
"analytics": {
"exited": true,
"transactionType": "NA"
"checkDigit": 0,
"email": "[email protected]",
"trxnCharge": 0,
"sttTax": 0,
"tax": 0
"isin": "INF200K01RJ1",
"folioNumber": "xxxxxxxx",
"amc": "SBI Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "L",
"schemeCode": "D81G",
"scheme": "SBI Focused Equity Fund Direct Growth (formerly SBI Emerging Businesses Fund)",
"transactionDate": "2020-11-16T18:30:00.000Z",
"postedDate": "2020-11-16T18:30:00.000Z",
"trxnDescription": "Purchase - Systematic-BSE --Exchange",
"trxnAmount": 1499.93,
"trxnUnits": 8.652,
"purchasePrice": 173.3543,
"stampDuty": 0.07,
"totalTax": 0,
"transactionMode": "N",
"cashFlow": null,
"analytics": {
"exited": false,
"transactionType": "DEPOSIT",
"transactionStatus": "SUCCESS",
"transactionDescription": "SIP"
"checkDigit": 0,
"email": "[email protected]",
"trxnCharge": 0,
"sttTax": 0,
"tax": 0
"isin": "INF846K01DP8",
"folioNumber": "abc12345",
"amc": "AXIS Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "128",
"schemeCode": "EFDGG",
"scheme": "Axis Bluechip Fund - Direct Growth",
"transactionDate": "2020-12-06T18:30:00.000Z",
"postedDate": "2020-12-06T18:30:00.000Z",
"trxnDescription": "Systematic Investment (1)",
"trxnAmount": 999.95,
"trxnUnits": 25.175,
"purchasePrice": 39.72,
"stampDuty": 0.05,
"totalTax": 0,
"transactionMode": "N",
"cashFlow": null,
"analytics": {
"exited": false,
"transactionType": "DEPOSIT",
"transactionStatus": "SUCCESS",
"transactionDescription": "SIP"
"checkDigit": 0,
"email": "[email protected]",
"trxnCharge": 0,
"sttTax": 0,
"tax": 0
"isin": "INF200K01RJ1",
"folioNumber": "xxxxxxxx",
"amc": "SBI Mutual Fund",
"amcCode": "L",
"schemeCode": "D81G",
"scheme": "SBI Focused Equity Fund Direct Growth (formerly SBI Emerging Businesses Fund)",
"transactionDate": "2020-12-14T18:30:00.000Z",
"postedDate": "2020-12-14T18:30:00.000Z",
"trxnDescription": "Invalid Purchase15-DEC-2020_(Reversal - Code 1241)",
"trxnAmount": 0,
"trxnUnits": 0,
"purchasePrice": 0,
"stampDuty": 0,
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Updated 5 months ago