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JavaScript SDK

Setup smallcase Gateway SDK to allow your users to transact in stocks, ETFs & smallcases, and much more

With our powerful JavaScript SDK, client-side integration is very straightforward.

Getting started

  1. Include SDK on your webpage
  2. Initialise the SDK with relevant user data & config
  3. Set up an endpoint on your backend to create new transactionId
  4. Hit the endpoint and get transactionId
  5. Call the triggerTransaction method of the initialise SDK object with the transactionId
  6. Receive order response once the transaction completes

There are flows where transactionId is not required. In such cases, directly call the relevant SDK methods. For example - broker account opening flow.

SDK Updates

smallcase Gateway periodically releases SDK updates, including new functionality, enhancements, bug fixes, and security updates. Most of the time, changes are non-breaking updates. To ensure minimum intervention, changes in JavaScript SDK will instantly reflect on your platforms.

Next steps

Cool, let's get started with the SDK integration steps?