Kickstart Integration
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β¨ Get started with smallcase Gateway integration -
In order to start the integration, let's understand the following credentials first -
Unique name used to identify each partner. It is used as part of the Gateway API Url.
secret is unique & confidential for each partner
Used to create smallcaseAuthToken(JWT) for initializing Gateway client side SDK.
apiSecret is unique & confidential for each partner
It is used as a request header to authenticate all Gateway backend API requests
Domain whitelisting
For the Gateway initialization to be successful, please share your development & production domains with us for whitelisting
This is applicable for web integration only
If either of the above four items are not in place, please write to us on
Gateway API url
The Gateway API URL is
. You need to include this before each API endpoint to make API calls
JWT : JSON Web Tokens
JWT are an open, industry-standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties. Refer
Gateway provides a secret (as mentioned in prerequisites) to encode the desired payload & create JWT
Read more on how we are using JWT
Guest user
A user when interacting with the Gateway ecosystem for the first time will have to choose a broker from our list of supported brokers and login with his broker credentials. This user is identified as a guest user in the gateway ecosystem
To initialize a gateway session for such guest user, the JWT has to be created with the following payload
guest: true
Connected user
Once broker authentication flow is completed by the user, smallcaseAuthId is shared by Gateway as part of the transaction response.
Note: In case of client-side, smallcaseAuthId can be extracted by decoding the smallcaseAuthToken(JWT) received in the response
In case of webhook response, smallcaseAuthId is shared as part of the response data
smallcaseAuthId is a unique ID to identify users between the integration partner & Gateway as well as save his choice of broker.
All subsequent Gateway sessions for this user can be initialized by creating a JWT with smallcaseAuthId as payload.
smallcaseAuthId: <smallcaseAuthId string>
A connected user will be prompted to login with his choice of broker instead of having to select a broker from available list
Read more on User & broker sessions
Gateway client side SDK
Gateway provides integration support for the following platforms -
To continue integration, please select your choice of integration platform above
Don't find your platform's integration in the list, let us know at
Updated about 2 years ago