The API fetches smallcase order details based on the passed transactionId, batchId or iscid. The API provides information related to the smallcase order like name of the smallcase, broker name, information about the stock orders that were executed, quantities, orderType etc.

Use case: This API is ideal when you want to display the user detailed information about the smallcase orders that were carried out.

Possible inputs

1. Passing only transactionId(s)

If transactionId(s) are passed as input, then order details will be returned for all valid transactionId having intent of TRANSACTION and status = COMPLETED . If all of them are invalid ids, no orders will be returned

For a connected user, the transactionId must be associated with the user smallcaseAuthId, else no order details will be shown

For a guest user, order details will be fetched for the provided transactionId(s)

2. Passing only batchId(s)

For a connected user, order details will be fetched with the provided batchId(s), which should be associated with the user smallcaseAuthId, else no order details will be shown.

For a guest user, order details will be fetched for the provided batchId(s)

3. Passing both transactionId(s) and batchId(s)

If a mix of both transactionId and batchId is passed as input params, then order details will be fetched in a similar fashion as discussed in the points above.

4. Passing iscid

If an iscid is passed as input param, the order details will be fetched for associated iscid for the user.

Note: For guest users, either transactionId or batchId must be present

Request parameters

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