API to generate an OTP from MFCentral for a particular transactionId, phone and PAN combination


Learn how to create a transactionId for the Mutual Fund Holdings Import -


On hitting the API for a 200 response, an OTP will be shared by MFCentral, to the user on the phone number provided in this particular API call

The same OTP is to be used in the /verifyOTP API call

Error Maps

DescriptionstatusCodeerror messageerrorType
Internal Error on the smallcase gateway server500Internal ErrorInternalError
transactionId passed is either non-existent or invalid400TransactionIdNotFoundInputException
transactionId passed is not of the intent MF_HOLDINGS_IMPORT400InvalidIntentInputException
transactionId passed is expired400TransactionIdExpiredAccessDenied
maximum number of otp resend exceeded with this particular transactionId
(max. 5 attemps allowed per transaction)
PAN and phone combination is invalid (can happen when the used number is not linked to any folios)422Invalid PAN and Mobile combinationMFCException
Invalid request sent to MFCentral422Invalid Input or Request FormatMFCException
Ratelimit exceeded on MFCentral for the Client429Too many requests to the API (rate limiting)MFCException
validation error on MFCentral400Validation error or Invalid request parameters or valuesMFCException
Invalid access token or client Id401Invalid token or client IdMFCException
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!