Mutual Funds Import

Hi, How to get started with the API, as we want to add Mutual Fund Import system on our Web App Using API.

We have website with Gateway's JS SDK integrated. Will transactions work in webview?

We have integrated Gateway's JS SDK on our website. Can we now embed this website in our app as WebView? Are there any considerations to keep in mind?

Fetch user holdings - Holdings Import API

I've registered my email Id with ZERODHA (kite) broker with smallcase earlier and Holdings Import API was working fine. Currently, I've registered the same email Id with UPSTOX broker but Holdings Import API is hanging and timing out with status code 504 and response={"message": "Endpoint request timed out"}. I've tried making a request from the documentation's UI and its timing out there as well. Is it because I've registered the same email Id with ZERODHA broker and now I'm trying to connect to UPSTOX with same email Id?

500 internal error when guest user api is invoked

500 internal error when guest user api is invoked : 500 Internal Server Error: "{"success":false,"errors":["Internal server error"],"data":null,"errorType":"InternalError"}" http://localhost:8099/api/v1/transaction/guest-user/create x-gateway-authtoken : eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJndWVzdCI6dHJ1ZSwiZXhwIjoxNjU2MzM0NDQ1LCJpYXQiOjE2NTU3Mjk2NDV9.AxzCZqCjxi8tMLePk78O3uGBdV9kRx4DcJoCx03t3bk Issue is when we are invoking the api with object having securities nodes as follows , it go into error : String ticker; SecurityTypeEnum type; OrderTypeEnum orderType; Long quantity; BigDecimal price; BigDecimal triggerPrice; Note: json data we provide as required only - { "intent": "TRANSACTION", "orderConfig": { "type": "SECURITIES", "securities": [ { "ticker": "WSI" } ] } When we remove the fields for price and triggerPrice , it starts working even if we provide just ticker value in json. Please help understand , how api is created so that null values for price and triggerPrice is causing problem to it. IMPACT : this is causing us to create multiple request object just to invoke similar api .

Web SDK: how to trigger transaction in leprechaun mode?

What are the different ways in which we can trigger a transaction in leprechaun mode?

Which exchanges are supported by smallcase Gateway?

Does smallcase Gateway support NSE & BSE both?