Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:processDevDebugResources'. In react native 0.72.7

When installing it throws this error
`Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:processDevDebugResources'.

Require integration of Smallcase into Flutter for Android.

We encountered an issue in the Flutter project while following the provided Flutter integration documentation:

Smallcase Portfolio

Are there API to CRUD smallcase private portfolio

How to logout from all small case accounts

How to logout from all small case accounts

Integration Keys

How can we request for integration keys as an individual developer?

how to get artifactory_user and artifactory_password

maven {
url ""
credentials {
username "${artifactory_user}"
password "${artifactory_password}"

SmallcaseAuthID generation

Q1)I have created ETF transactions, first time with guest role then second time onwards smallcaseauthid, if I uninstall the app and install app, will it create new smallcaseauthid?

How to get list of Ticker Names

get ticker names of stocks for api calls

Need Details of API Pricing

Hi, I'm exploring the smallcase API for an initial project with potential broader applications. However, I couldn't find pricing details on your website documentation. Does smallcase offer a free tier or trial for professional use? Appreciate the information!

Unable to login in smallcase using upstox

It says that we received invalid token form our servers